Exhibitor Credential RegistrationTeam leads should fill out the form below to request registration for themselves only.Once your profile is created, the team lead can then enter staff working the event.Credentials will be electronic.Each individual will receive QR code badges to either mobile phone or email.Note credentials will not be sent until exhibit space is paid.Credentials start being released mid January 2025.Exhibitor Credential Request – TEAM LEAD2025 North Texas Auto Expo Exhibitor Credential Request. The Team Leader will receive an email from TixOnlineNow.com, our credential partner. From that email you will have access to the portal to register and manage your team for exhibitor credentials.First Name*Last Name*Email* Cell Phone*Company*OE Brand (if applicable)CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. SHEPARD PORTAL1. Click link in button above.2. Select the Event.3. Login from the Show Information page by clickingthe Login for Online Ordering button.If you need to update your information, please contact: customerservice@shepardes.comOEM ReminderThe Texas Department of Motor Vehicles requires that all automotive exhibitors notify them of your participation in a public auto show event. We kindly ask that you do the following:Please copy and paste the email body below and send it to: MVD-Show_and_Exhibitions@txdmv.govTo Whom It May Concern:This is a written notice of our participation in the North Texas Auto Expo, February 20-23, 2025 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. Our license number is : _________.Please let us know if you need additional information.Floor plansFloor plan (PDF) 1-8-2025PDF 1-23-25Floor plan (DWG) 1-8-2025DWG 1-23-25Kay Bailey CC building layer (DWG)DWGWe have included the Kay Bailey CC building layer in case your CAD program needs to import it and lay it over the expo’s plan. Once you open the auto expo dwg you should see the building walls and “pink pillars” inside the exhibit hall. Reach out to Steve Freeman at steve@stevefreemanevents.com if you have any questions.ManualsExhibitor Manual 1-9-2025PDFShow ManagementPhoneEmailSteve FreemanC: 323.216.7557steve@stevefreemanevents.comNorth Texas Automobile Dealers AssociationPhoneEmailBrent Franks, PresidentC: 214.755.7177O: 214.637.0531cbfranks@ntxad.comSondra Hawkins, Director of OperationsC: 817.821.7788O: 214.637.0531shawkins@ntxad.comGeneral Contractor – ShepardMobileEmailC: 410-699-1988 mrapach@shepardes.comMichael Triola, Senior National Sales ManagerO: 832.799.5702mtriola@shepardes.com